Petri’s extensive experience is a good guide in regard to identifying tutors and cases, in moderating and steering sessions, and he has a good understanding of the pacing and combination of sessions and content throughout an intense schedule, so as to not exhaust the participants. His eye-level leadership style invites everyone to bring their input to the table and test the viability of ideas, thus creating an open team work spirit in the development and execution of the course.
Valeria Richter, Project Manager, Nordic Genre Boost, Scriptwriter & Creative Producer, Nordic Factory Copenhagen

In his role as CEO of Nordisk Film & TV Fond Petri was very inspiring and knowledgeable to collaborate around our industry platforms Nordic Film Market, TV Drama Vision and our yearly Nostradamus report. I am proud that we managed to launch the drama series script award Nordisk Film & TV Fond Prize together with the Göteborg Film Festival during his time on the post. Furthermore, with his long experience and deep knowledge about the film and TV industry, sharp mind and moderator skills I look forward to continue working with Petri in the future.
Cia Edström, Head of Industry, Göteborg Film Festival

Petri has led Nordisk Film & TV Fond with a steady hand, and he leaves the Fund well prepared for the future. During his tenure, the film and TV industry has undergone major changes both on the production and distribution side, and new global and Nordic companies have established themselves in the Nordic region. Petri is knowledgeable, reactive and insightful. He has clearly managed to stay a little ahead of industry developments, and together with his employees, he has initiated measures that have responded to industry needs, such as Nordic Genre Boost and Nordic Distribution Boost. He has also been present at the most important international events, and made Nordic productions visible, as well as the achievements of the Fund. I know he is greatly appreciated by his staff, and we at the Board have only good things to say about him.
Stine Helgeland, Chairwoman of the Board Nordisk Film & TV Fond (2017-2019)

A financier that is conversational, listening, critical and engaging – however always taking into account friendly behaviour at the meetings.
Friendliest financier award statement by Association of Finnish Film Directors
The photo at the top of the page by Saara Tuusa